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1454200 Free and Total Chlorine Test Kit, Model CN-70

1454200 Hach

Used for free and total chlorine analysis in water samples.

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Free and Total Chlorine Test Kit is required for free and total chlorine measurement in the range of 0.02 - 0.68 mg/L Cl₂ (low range) and 0 - 3.4 mg/L Cl₂ (mid range) in water. Color Disc/DPD method is used to conduct free and total chlorine determination. Model CN-70 can be used to conduct 100 free chlorine tests and 100 total chlorine tests. The smallest increments are 0.02 and 0.1 mg/L Cl₂. Achieve fast and reliable testing results with the low-cost color disc method.

Free and Total Chlorine Test Set includes:

Procedure for Cl₂ measurement

Before you start take into account the following:

  • It is required to analyze the sample instantly after collection.
  • It is recommended to use sunlight or lamp as the source of light to find the color match with the color comparator box.
  • It is necessary to analyze free chlorine testing results instantly after the addition of the reagent to prevent monochloramine interference.

Test procedure - free or total chlorine

In order to conduct free and total chlorine analysis in the range of 0.02 - 0.68 mg/L Cl₂, place the long-path adapter in the color comparator box. After that pour the collected sample into the tube to the top line. Install the tube into the left opening of the color comparator box. Mix 25 mL of the sample and the content of the DPD Free or Total Chlorine Powder Pillow in the bottle. Analyze the testing results within 1 minute for free chlorine evaluation. Wait 3 minutes and read the testing results within 6 minutes for total chlorine determination. Fill the second tube to the top line with the pretreated sample. Insert the second tube into the color comparator box. Set the color comparator box below the source of light, turn the color disc to identify the color match and analyze testing results. Read the value in the scale window. Divide the value by 5 to get the result in mg/L.

Note: If the low range test result is more than the maximum limit, use the mid range test procedure with a fresh sample. See the manual for determining free or total chlorine in the range 0-3.4 mg/l Cl2 using the CN-70 test kit.

Brand Hach
Parameter Chlorine Total, Chlorine Free
Measuring range 0.02-0.68 mg/L Cl₂
Measuring range (2): 0-3.4 mg/L Cl₂
Smallest Increments Steps 0.02, 0.1
Method Color Disc/DPD method
Model CN-70
Number of tests 100 Free Chlorine, 100 Total Chlorine

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