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LCW032 Manganese Reagent Set, 0.2-5 mg/L Mn

LCW032 Hach

LCW Reagent Set measures manganese in drinking water, raw water and process analysis.

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13mm LCW032 reagent set measures 0.2-5 mg/L Mn and 0.02-1.0 mg/L Mn in drinking water, raw water and process analysis. The product uses formaldoxime method. Article LCW032 may be used for up to 50 tests. The product is compatible with the following DR series spectrophotometers: DR3900 and DR6000.

Blank preparation: Add sample to 50mm or 10mm rectangular cuvette. Sample preparation: Pipet 20.0 mL sample, 1.0 mL solution A and 1.0 mL solution B into beaker. Mix and add 1.0 mL solution C into the beaker. Transfer the beaker content into the rectangular cuvette. Insert the blank into the instrument, enter Stored Programs, select the test and push ZERO. Remove the blank cuvette and evaluate the sample cuvette using spectrophotometer. Manganese (II) ions enter into reaction with formaldoxime in ammoniacal solution to form a red complex. Calcium and magnesium content above 300 mg/L may cause high-bias results. Surplus of phosphate ions above 5 mg/L may cause low-bias results in the presence of calcium ions.

For 1 month conservation of the drinking water, raw water or other liquid sample it is recommended to reduce the pH to <2 using nitric acid. The water sample is required to be stored in glass, polyethylene or borosilicate glass container. The required temperature of the LCW032 Cuvette test is between 2 °C and 8 °C. The product must be stored in refrigerated condition.

Brand Hach
Parameter Manganese
Measuring range 0.02-1.00 mg/L Mn
Measuring range (2): 0.2-5.0 mg/L Mn
Instrument DR3900 and DR6000
Method Formaldoxime method
Digestion required No
Number of tests 50 tests
Storage conditions 2 °C - 8 °C (refrigerated)

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