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LCK320 Iron (II / III) Cuvette Test, 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe

LCK320 Hach

LCK Reagent Set measures iron in drinking water, raw water, swimming-pool water, wastewater and process analysis.

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LCK320 Cuvette test measures 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe2+, 0-6.0 mg/L Fe3+ or 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe (total) in drinking water, raw water, swimming-pool water and other liquids. The product uses 1.10-phenanthroline method. Article LCK320 can be used to perform 24 tests. The product may be evaluated with Hach instruments DR3900, DR6000, DR1900, DR2800, DR3800 and DR5000.

Before you start take into account the following:

  • The color reaction during Fe 2+/3+ analysis is highly temperature dependent, therefore the temperature of the water sample and reagents must be 20 °C.
  • Reaction times must be strictly adhered to.
  • The sample must be colorless. Minor colorations can be accounted by using blank readings for a particular sample.  
  • The sample must be turbidity free. It might be removed by filtration through a membrane filter (LCW 904).
Procedure for Fe2+ determination

Add 2.0 mL of sample into the LCK320 cuvette, close and invert it several times in order to completely dissolve the contents. After 5 minutes invert the cuvette a few more times, wipe it and analyze the collected sample using spectrophotometer (evaluation form Iron II (Fe II)).

Procedure for Fe3+, Fe2+ and total Fe measurement

For testing Fe3+, Fe2+ and Fe total perform all the above steps, but as evaluation form Iron III (Fe III) needs to be selected. Remove the sample cuvette from the instrument and screw the DosiCap A (included in the box). Invert the cuvette several times until the freeze-dried contents are fully dissolved. After 5 minutes insert the inverted cuvette in the cell holder of the spectrophotometer. The result is displayed as Fe2+, Fe tot and Fe3+.

Summary of method

For both methods -> Iron (II) ions form orange-red color complex with 1.10-phenanthroline.

For Fe2+/3+/total only -> Any iron(III) ions in the water sample are reduced to iron (II) ions by ascorbic acid before the complex is formed.

Sample preparation

pH<2 is the required pH of the drinking water, raw water and other liquid sample for the longer-term sample conservation (up to 1 month) that can be achieved with nitric acid. Sampling container should be made of glass, polyethylene or borosilicate glass. It is recommended to store LCK320 Cuvette test refrigerated at the temperature between 2 °C and 8 °C.

Brand Hach
Parameter Iron
Measuring range 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe2+
Measuring range (2): 0-6.0 mg/L Fe3+
Measuring range (3): 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe (total)
Instrument DR3900, DR6000, DR1900, DR2800, DR3800 and DR5000
Method 1.10-Phenanthroline method
Digestion required No
Number of tests 24 tests
Storage conditions 2 °C - 8 °C (refrigerated)

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